Journalist, ethnomusicologist, d.j.

I’m a Brazilian journalist and ethnomusicologist (anthropology + music + sound) based in Europe. In the past ten years, I’ve worked with a number of media outlets and led several projects crossing popular music and digital culture on topics like Latin American sounds, electronic-sonic technologies and Global South dialogs.
I d.j. too.

felipemf [at] gmail [dot] com

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[Trip] Noroeste F.C, o melhor time de várzea do mundo

Research and production for this story about the Noroeste FC, one of the most important amateur football clubs of São Paulo. This video was broadcast on the Brazilian channel TV Cultura.
Apuração e produção desta matéria sobre o time Noroeste FC, um dos mais importantes times de várzea de São Paulo. O vídeo foi ao ar pelo programa Trip TV, na TV Cultura.


felipemf [at] gmail [dot] com

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